[OpenAFS-devel] Windows client cml_version_number fix

Scott D. Williams sdw@email.unc.edu
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:15:23 -0500

This restores cml version information to the Windows client. This broke on 
the Windows side when the Unix build mechanism moved to autoconf.

--- orig/src/config/NTMakefile.version-NOCML    2000-11-04 
04:04:22.000000000 -0500
+++ update/src/config/NTMakefile.version-NOCML  2002-11-22 
13:54:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -14,11 +16,12 @@

-       echo char $(CML_PREFIX)cml_version_number[]="@(#)CML not 
accessible: No version information"; >$(VERSFILE).c
-       echo char* AFSVersion = "afs??";  >>$(VERSFILE).c
+       echo char 
$(CML_PREFIX)cml_version_number[]="@(#)OpenAFS$(AFSPRODUCT_VERSION)"; >$(VER 
+       echo char* AFSVersion = 

-       echo #define AFS_VERINFO_BUILD "CML not accessible: No version 
information" >$(VERSFILE).h
+       echo #define AFS_VERINFO_BUILD 

-       echo CML not accessible: No version information >$(VERSFILE).txt