[OpenAFS-devel] Xserve saga, continued

Valerio Luccio valerio@cns.nyu.edu
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:17:13 -0400

Derrick dixit:

>On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Valerio Luccio wrote:
>>> As soon as you issue a "vos release", the disk gets corrupted. A "bos 
>>> salvage" does not remedy the situation and the volume is lost forever. I 
>>> have no idea what to do about this.
>I don't have a pot to p, er, a machine to try this on. What's in FileLog
>after you vos release? What's in SalvageLog after you salvage?
Sorry, I no longer have those logs, but I'll recreate the problem and 
send them.


Valerio Luccio                  (212) 998-8736
Center For Neural Science       4 Washington Place, Room 935
New York University             New York, NY 10003

        "In an open world, who needs windows or gates?"