[OpenAFS-devel] Re: OpenAFS 1.3.50 on AIX 5.1 - incorrect password

Joe Buehler jbuehler@hekimian.com
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 08:01:03 -0500

Michael Niksch wrote:

> I have successfully compiled OpenAFS 1.3.50 on AIX 5.1 ML 05 using vac.C
> At least the client seems to be working, and I can make use of
> a token installed via SSH AFSTokenPassing.
> However, all 'klog', 'kas', 'kpasswd', as well as authentication via
> /usr/vice/etc/afs_dynamic_auth are failing, and insist that my password
> is incorrect. The problem persists for different userids and cells.

I had similar problems with klog from an AIX 5.2 build obtained from
ipp-garching.mpg.de.  I switched to an AIX 5.1 build of klog (would have to
look to remember where I got it) which fixed the problem.
Joe Buehler