[OpenAFS-devel] Compiling and running OpenAFS both optimized and debugged

Phil.Moore@morganstanley.com Phil.Moore@morganstanley.com
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 14:39:44 -0500

>>>>> "chas" == chas williams <chas@locutus.cmf.nrl.navy.mil> writes:

chas> usually i just modify Makefile.<sysname>.in and change LWP_OPTMZ, OPTMZ,
chas> and DBG to something like '-g -O2'

But then how do you get anything to actually *use* the DBG macro?
That's where I got confused.

DBG is currently defined as -g, but I see a LOT of the compiler
invocations failing to use that macro.