[OpenAFS-devel] patch for src/ptserver/pt_util.c

Matthew A. Bacchi mbacchi@btv.ibm.com
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:38:22 -0500

I modified the pt_util tool to use libcmd, but one issue remains
regarding whether to rename the command line args.  In this patch I
simply kept the flags as they were, but since I don't know how to
get libcmd to output the help _description_ in addition to the flags
themselves, I lengthened the name of the arguments.  For example the
-n argument is now -name.  I think because libcmd seems better suited
to handle command _suites_ such as backup and vos, and the
cmd_AddParm() call wants to add sub-command help descriptions, I was
confused.  So basically, I didn't know how to get the help output to
display the long help description in the "Where:" section. If you have
suggestions, I'll fix and resubmit the patch, or if you want to make a
change go ahead.

Also, is there any documentation of the libcmd library, especially the
cmd_Seek() call?  I used it here, but just made sure I did a seek
beyond the largest arg # I had created with cmd_AddParm().


These diffs were taken relative to the openafs-1.2.9-rc1 version. This
was tested on AIX 4.3.3 only at this point.

*** orig/src/ptserver/Makefile.in	Wed Sep 19 18:40:37 2001
--- src/ptserver/Makefile.in	Mon Jan 27 13:07:40 2003
*** 141,147 ****
  testpt.o: testpt.c ${INCLS} ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cmd.h AFS_component_version_number.c
  pt_util: pt_util.o ptutils.o ubik.o utils.o libprot.a $(LIBS)
! 	$(CC) ${CFLAGS} -o pt_util pt_util.o ptutils.o ubik.o utils.o libprot.a $(LIBS) ${XLIBS}
  ubik.o: ubik.c ${INCLS}
--- 141,148 ----
  testpt.o: testpt.c ${INCLS} ${TOP_INCDIR}/afs/cmd.h AFS_component_version_number.c
  pt_util: pt_util.o ptutils.o ubik.o utils.o libprot.a $(LIBS)
! 	$(CC) ${CFLAGS} -o pt_util pt_util.o ptutils.o ubik.o utils.o libprot.a \
!                 ${TOP_LIBDIR}/libcmd.a $(LIBS) ${XLIBS}
  ubik.o: ubik.c ${INCLS}
*** orig/src/ptserver/pt_util.c	Mon Jan 27 09:59:37 2003
--- src/ptserver/pt_util.c	Mon Jan 27 13:09:01 2003
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,30 ----
  RCSID("$Header: /cvs/openafs/src/ptserver/pt_util.c,v 2003/01/11 07:53:30 shadow Exp $");
+ #include <afs/cmd.h>  /*Command line parsing*/
  #include <errno.h>
  #include <lock.h>
  #include <netinet/in.h>
*** 50,55 ****
--- 51,57 ----
  char *checkin();
  char *check_core();
  char *id_to_name();
+ int CommandProc(struct cmd_syndesc*);
  struct hash_entry {
      char h_name[PR_MAXNAMELEN];
*** 98,103 ****
--- 100,129 ----
  int argc;
  char **argv;
+     register struct cmd_syndesc *cs;    /*Command line syntax descriptor*/
+     register afs_int32 code;            /*Return code*/
+     cs = cmd_CreateSyntax((char *) 0, CommandProc, 0, "access protection database");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-w", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "update prdb with contents of data file");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-user", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display users");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-group", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display groups");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-members", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display group members");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-name", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "follow name hash chains (not id hashes)");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-system", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display only system data");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-xtra", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display extra users/groups");
+     cmd_Seek(cs, 10);
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-prdb", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "prdb file");
+     cmd_AddParm(cs, "-datafile", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "data file");
+     code = cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv);
+     exit(code);
+ }
+ int CommandProc(a_as)
+      register struct cmd_syndesc *a_as;
+ {
      register int i;
      register long code;
      long cc, upos, gpos;
*** 105,154 ****
      struct ubik_hdr *uh;
      char *dfile = 0;
      char *pfile = "/usr/afs/db/prdb.DB0";
!     while ((cc = getopt(argc, argv, "wugmxsnp:d:")) != EOF) {
! 	switch (cc) {
! 	case 'p':
! 	    pfile = optarg;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'd':
! 	    dfile = optarg;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'n':
! 	    nflag++;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'w':
! 	    wflag++;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'u':
! 	    flags |= DO_USR;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'm':
! 	    flags |= (DO_GRP|DO_MEM);
! 	    break;
! 	case 'g':
! 	    flags |= DO_GRP;
! 	    break;
! 	case 's':
! 	    flags |= DO_SYS;
! 	    break;
! 	case 'x':
! 	    flags |= DO_OTR;
! 	    break;
! 	default:
! 	    fprintf(stderr,
! 		    "Usage: pt_util [options] [-d data] [-p prdb]\n");
! 	    fputs("  Options:\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -w  Update prdb with contents of data file\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -u  Display users\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -g  Display groups\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -m  Display group members\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -n  Follow name hash chains (not id hashes)\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -s  Display only system data\n", stderr);
! 	    fputs("    -x  Display extra users/groups\n", stderr);
! 	    exit(1);
! 	}
      if ((dbase_fd = open(pfile, (wflag ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)|O_CREAT, 0600)) 
  	< 0) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "pt_util: cannot open %s: %s\n",
--- 131,169 ----
      struct ubik_hdr *uh;
      char *dfile = 0;
      char *pfile = "/usr/afs/db/prdb.DB0";
!     struct cmd_parmdesc *tparm;
!     tparm = a_as->parms;
!     if ( tparm[0].items ) {
!       wflag++;
+     if ( tparm[1].items ) {
+       flags |= DO_USR;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[2].items ) {
+       flags |= DO_GRP;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[3].items ) {
+       flags |= (DO_GRP|DO_MEM);
+     }
+     if ( tparm[4].items ) {
+       nflag++;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[5].items ) {
+       flags |= DO_SYS;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[6].items ) {
+       flags |= DO_OTR;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[7].items ) {
+       pfile = tparm[7].items->data;
+     }
+     if ( tparm[8].items ) {
+       dfile = tparm[8].items->data;
+     }
      if ((dbase_fd = open(pfile, (wflag ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY)|O_CREAT, 0600)) 
  	< 0) {
  	fprintf(stderr, "pt_util: cannot open %s: %s\n",