[OpenAFS-devel] Solaris 8 patch 108528-20 breaks afs module
Douglas E. Engert
Wed, 07 May 2003 10:30:21 -0500
Sergio Gelato wrote:
> * Douglas E. Engert [2003-05-07 09:38:41 -0500]:
> > > Tried your fix. Got a BAD TRAP: type=9 after a few minutes of browsing
> > > a remote AFS cell. Stack trace says it was AFS-related. Will beat on
> > > it some more, to see if it's reproducible (it might have been a fluke).
> >
> > I would expect it to fail immediately if the patch had a problem,
> > as the tables it would have touched where to find the syscall, and
> > lod module.
> So would I, and indeed I have not been able to make it crash again.
> A fluke it must have been.
> > > What's already clear is that the patch doesn't lead to a modload-time
> > > panic (with kernel 108528-19; will try the famous -20 later).
> I have now tested it with kernel -20 as well, and it seems OK. (32-bit
> Solaris only, as I'm testing on the oldest hardware I've got. 64-bit
> tests will follow shortly.)
Send these coments to the developers as well.
Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444