[OpenAFS-devel] openAFS-1.2.10a and Opteron
Hans-Werner Paulsen
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 17:23:53 +0100
On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 04:07:48PM +0100, Herbert Huber wrote:
> has anybody managed to build a working openAFS client for a dual Opteron
> system, running SuSE Linux 8.2 (x86-64), kernel 2.4.23 with SGIs XFS
> patch?
> I can start the AFS client and list all directories which have at least
> lookup rights for system:anyuser. Trying
> to cd into one of my directories (I had a valid AFS token at this time!)
> without lookup rights for system:anyuser produces an error message
> telling that the connection to the AFS file server has timed out. This
> behaviour is 100% reproducible.
we had the same problem with our dual Opteron system running
Kernel 2.4.22 and OpenAFS 1.2.10.
Andrej Filipcic reported that one should use the compiler option
"-mno-red-zone" for the libafs kernel module.
We did so and the problems are gone! In addition if you add
"-fPIC" you can compile the PAM modules.
Hans-Werner Paulsen hans@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
MPI für Astrophysik Tel 089-30000-2602
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 Fax 089-30000-2235
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