[OpenAFS-devel] Re: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.2.11 release available
Michael Niksch
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 21:22:24 +0100
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RELNOTES-1.2.11 mentions another bug having been fixed:
- A bug where replicating volumes on systems with namei fileservers
could result in an empty volume was fixed.
Can anyone tell a bit more about this bug? I have never seen it until
today, after installing the OpenAFS 1.2.11 database server binaries, but
still running the OpenAFS 1.2.10 filserver and volserver binaries. In
that stage, I created a new volume to hold all the OpenAFS 1.2.11 stuff.
The release seemed to work, but hours later I found that machines trying
to get the data from a replica found no data at all until I did a 'vos
release -f'.
Am I in danger to have existing replicas corrupted before I get to
restarting my fs processes to activate the OpenAFS 1.2.11 binaries? Or
is this a bug that affects only new volumes? Should I do a 'vos release
-f' on all volumes just to be safe? This would take ages, of course.
Michael Niksch /Zurich/IBM @ IBMCH
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory nik@zurich.ibm.com
Saeumerstrasse 4 http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~nik/
CH-8803 Rueschlikon / Switzerland P: +41-1-724-8913 F: +41-1-724-8080
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OpenAFS 1.2.11 is now available for download from the openafs.org web
If you run replicated database servers this is a critical update.
In addition to the gzipped tarfile of source, binary distributions of
OpenAFS 1.2.10 are available for AIX 4.3.3, Darwin 7.0, Tru64 5.0A,
Solaris 7, Solaris 8, and Solaris 9 in a gzipped tar format, and a MacOS X
10.3 package in a tarfile.
Further ports will be uploaded as they become available.
As always, the latest release can be found at:
Derrick, for the OpenAFS Gatekeepers
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