[OpenAFS-devel] Building cvs head on Linux 2.6
chas williams (contractor)
Tue, 01 Jun 2004 08:17:49 -0400
you could try the patch in ticket #4767 instead of my patch for
osi_module.c. check libafs-2.6.6-1.o to see if it has a symbol
__this_module (nm libafs-2.6.6-1.o | grep __this_module)
In message <Pine.LNX.4.60.0405301324200.24747@napoleon>,Asheesh Laroia writes:
>I am trying to build for Linux 2.6.6 still and still getting this error
>after it all ends:
>As I said earlier, I'm trying to build for OpenAFS 2.6.6 on Debian Sid.
>Perhaps a tarball of your working openafs directory would help?