[OpenAFS-devel] LKML: In-kernel Authentication Tokens (PAGs)

John Bucy bucy@gloop.org
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:30:12 -0400

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Kyle Moffett has written a new pag patch for 2.6 that tries to address
Linus' complaints with the previous ones.


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To:	linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
From:	Kyle Moffett <mrmacman_g4@mac.com>
Subject: In-kernel Authentication Tokens (PAGs)
Date:	Fri, 11 Jun 2004 22:37:36 -0400
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I am working on a generic PAG subsystem for the kernel, something that
handles BLOB PAG data and could be used for OpenAFS, Coda, NFSv4, etc.
I have a patch, but it is not well tested yet.  Here is an overview of 

Each process has a PAG, and each PAG has a parent PAG.  Users are
allowed to make new PAGs associated with their UID and modify ones that
are already associated with their UID.  Each PAG consists of a set of 
each uniquely identified by an integral "type" and a string "realm."  
search for a token by any subsystem is done starting at the immediate 
and proceeds upward.  Tokens are in kernel memory and so are not ever
swapped out.

Each PAG is represented in user-space as an integer.  Here are the 
that I propose:

	These manipulate the PAG associated with a given PID.

	These manipulate the parent PAG of a given PAG

	These manipulate the UID which "owns" a PAG

	These manipulate tokens within a specific PAG

	This executes the search process as described above

Kyle Moffett

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