[OpenAFS-devel] client freeze while writing large files

Ulrich Schwickerath ulrich.schwickerath@iwr.fzk.de
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 13:40:49 +0200


I'm experimenting with AFS on a linux box running kernel.org 2.4.26. I have 
compiled the OpenAFS version 1.3.64 with --enable-large-file-server support 
turned on. 
Doing something like

cat testfile testfile> testfile1.dat

on my afs volume (where testfile has a size of about  2GB), the testfile1.dat 
is created with size > 2GB as it should. However, if I do 

dd if=/dev/zero of=test.dat bs=1024M count=3

then the client freezes as soon as the 2GB file size is reached. After that, 
all attempts to access the afs cell freeze on that client node. A restart of 
afs failes because the module cannot be unloaded (busy by the locked 
processes it seems). On the server side everything looks normal. The file 
stops growing at 2GB, and other clients can still connect to it. 

Is this a known issue ? Is there a workaround (I mean, other than turning off 
large file support) or a patch available for this ?

Thank's in advance,
Dr. Ulrich Schwickerath
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
GRID-Computing and e-Science
Institut for Scientific Computing (IWR)
P.O. Box 36 40
76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

Tel: +49(7247)82-8607
Fax: +49(7247)82-4972 

e-mail: ulrich.schwickerath@iwr.fzk.de
WWW: http://www.fzk.de