[OpenAFS-devel] OPenAFS-1.3.74 on SOlaris 9 - all files are zero
Douglas E. Engert
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 16:42:10 -0600
Douglas E. Engert wrote:
> I built 1.3.74 on Solaris 9. When the cache manager and kernel extensions
> are installed and system rebooted all files in AFS have only zeros! The
> cachemanager can see directories. The startup of afsd looks normal.
More on this. The problem was introduced between 1.3.64 and 1.3.70 as
I had builds for these, and the cache manager works with 1.3.64 but
fails with 1.3.70
The test system is an Ultra 5 with 32 bit kernel.
> Any ideas?
> The size of afsd is only 223368 where as in 1.2.13 its 745276, or 1/3
> the size.
Douglas E. Engert <DEEngert@anl.gov>
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
(630) 252-5444