[OpenAFS-devel] Default params for afsd?

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:26:40 -0400

On Monday, May 16, 2005 10:56:30 PM -0500 Troy Benjegerdes 
<hozer@hozed.org> wrote:

> On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 12:43:42PM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
>> On Friday, May 13, 2005 09:43:05 AM +0200 Niklas Edmundsson
>> <Niklas.Edmundsson@hpc2n.umu.se> wrote:
>> > I have a faint memory of the memcache only being able to store
>> > cachesize/chunksize number of files even if the files are much smaller
>> > than chunksize, ie that the memcache is an array of chunksize blocks.
>> > If this is correct, then you should probably reduce the chunksize when
>> > doing small-sized-memcache to be able to fit enough files.
>> You bring up an important point which I failed to mention.  The
>> proposals I  made regarding chunkSize, cacheFiles, and dCacheSize are
>> all relevant only  when using disk cache.  The memory cache architecture
>> works somewhat  differently; memcache chunks are fixed-size and take up
>> the same amount of  storage regardless of how "full" they are.  So, the
>> cache can store only  cachesize/chunksize chunks.
>> As you suggested, this argues for much smaller chunks than would be used
>> for a disk cache, and in fact the default chunkSize for memcache is only
>> 13  (8K).  I'm not suggesting changing this default, though of course
>> folks who  think they can spare the memory could choose to raise it (and
>> cacheBlocks)  an order of magnitude or two.
> When I was messing around trying to get anything close to 10% of gigabit
> wire speeds, I found the best performance with a 100mb memcache, and
> chunkSize set to either 18 or 20.
> Is there a way to set the network transfer size independent from the
> chunk size, or are these somewhat inextricably linked?

I assume you're interested in setting the transfer size larger than the 
chunk size.  Doing this would require writing some code, and I'm not sure 
it would be easy.  It also doesn't make much sense for a disk cache, which 
suggests that it might be worth exploring changing the way memcache manages 

The problem is that FetchData RPC's are done to retrieve the contents of 
exactly one chunk.  If you wanted the transfer size to be larger than the 
chunk size, you'd need to allocate multiple chunks in advance of making the 
FetchData call, and then fill them in in sequence as the data arrives. 
That's not impossible, but it would be different from what the current code 

There's also another issue, which is that setting the transfer size too 
large may impact fileserver performance on large files for which there is 
lots of demand, because currently only one client can be fetching from a 
given file at a time.  While it's probably a good idea to change that in 
the long term, doing so would probably mean non-trivial changes to the way 
the volume package works, so it's not going to be a quick fix.

In addition, a large transfer size means that when you access a large file, 
you have to wait longer before you get to access any of it.  So while the 
average performance goes up if you are transferring entire large files, you 
lose if you are only interested in a couple of pages out of a large 

-- Jeffrey T. Hutzelman (N3NHS) <jhutz+@cmu.edu>
   Sr. Research Systems Programmer
   School of Computer Science - Research Computing Facility
   Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA