[OpenAFS-devel] 1.3.X: Problem with many connections exhausting resources?
Roland Kuhn
Wed, 25 May 2005 13:36:33 +0200
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Hi folks!
On May 24, 2005, at 5:42 PM, Harald Barth wrote:
> So, is the rx in 1.3.X broken and leaking resources?
> Has this something to do with timeouts and NAT-stuff?
> Is there a way to terminate connections forcefully?
> If this is the NAT stuff makeing me unhappy, how
> do I turn it off?
Sorry, I can't help you, but your talking about NAT makes me wonder if
1.3.X has something built in that makes it NATable? My experience with
1.2.X was rather unsatisfactory as it sometimes works, but sometimes (I
assume when several clients behind the NAT want something from the same
server outside) just fails for some minutes and then starts working
The problem is by no means esoteric: We have a HPC cluster doing data
analysis and the configuration files are in a different cell. I think I
don't have to give reasons why we don't want and also cannot give
public IP addresses to the cluster nodes.
To give a bit more background in case someone has already solved this:
everything is on Linux2.4, the (possible) NAT gateway would be on the
AFS database server and all fileservers of the local cell also are
connected to the private network. And for the quick ones: rsync doesn't
cut it for our case ;-)
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