[OpenAFS-devel] 1.4.0-rc6 backup volrestore broken
Hans-Werner Paulsen
Wed, 12 Oct 2005 12:54:34 +0200
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 04:42:36PM -0400, Joe Buehler wrote:
> After upgrading from 1.2.13 to 1.4.0-rc6 (redhat 9, 2.4.20-35.9smp)
> I can no longer run "backup volrestore". The butc process dies after
> the first file is handed over from the tape interface script. The
> bos log says it died because of SIGKILL.
I checked this again on i386_linux26 running linux- and
openafs-1.4.0-rc6. This time the butc did not die, here is the
output of butc:
Restoring volume home.testafs.restore Id 135137568 on server lnxsrv-2.MPA=
-Garching.MPG.DE partition /vicepa .. done
Could not lock the entry for volume number 135137568=20
VLDB: no such entry
Can't restore volume home.testafs.restore
vl: No such entry
Restore: Skipping volume home.testafs.backup (536870989)
Restore: Finished
vos listvol lnxsrv-2 a
Total number of volumes on server lnxsrv-2 partition /vicepa: 1=20
home.testafs.restore 135137568 RW 47647 K On-line
Total volumes onLine 1 ; Total volumes offLine 0 ; Total busy 0
But the volume is not in the vldb:
vos exa 135137568
Could not fetch the entry for volume number 135137568 from VLDB=20
Running the version without pthreads, I do not see any problems.
Hans-Werner Paulsen hans@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
MPI f=FCr Astrophysik Tel 089-30000-2602
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 Fax 089-30000-2235=09
D-85741 Garching