[OpenAFS-devel] Patch to allow fs getcache to show more info

Troy Benjegerdes hozer@hozed.org
Tue, 13 Jun 2006 13:09:25 -0500

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This patch against openafs-1.5.1 adds options to show more information
about how many cache files are used as well as how many cache blocks are

There should be no change in default behavior.


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# HG changeset patch
# User troy@localhost.localdomain
# Date Fri May 26 00:13:57 2006
# Node ID 9fe7088be02e7c0454f62d635ab65cc30e6bef24
# parent: ff6d695570cee2c619449e2e97123618275ad5a3
Add two flags '-f' and '-e' to show more informative cache usage information

--- a/src/afs/afs_pioctl.c	Sun May 14 04:05:27 2006
+++ b/src/afs/afs_pioctl.c	Fri May 26 00:13:57 2006
@@ -2175,11 +2175,51 @@
     afs_int32 results[MAXGCSTATS];
+    afs_int32 flags;
+    register struct dcache * tdc;
+    int i, size;
+    if (sizeof(afs_int32) == ainSize){
+	memcpy((char *)&flags, ain, sizeof(afs_int32));
+    } else if (0 == ainSize){ 
+	flags = 0;
+    } else {
+	return EINVAL;
+    }
     memset((char *)results, 0, sizeof(results));
     results[0] = afs_cacheBlocks;
     results[1] = afs_blocksUsed;
+    results[2] = afs_cacheFiles;
+    if (1 == flags){
+        for (i = 0; i < afs_cacheFiles; i++) {
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFFree) results[3]++;
+	}
+    } else if (2 == flags){
+        for (i = 0; i < afs_cacheFiles; i++) {
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFFree) results[3]++;
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFEverUsed) results[4]++;
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFDataMod) results[5]++;
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFDirtyPages) results[6]++;
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFAnyPages) results[7]++;
+	    if (afs_indexFlags[i] & IFDiscarded) results[8]++;
+	    tdc = afs_indexTable[i];
+	    if (tdc){
+	        results[9]++;
+	        size = tdc->validPos;
+	        if ( 0 < size && size < (1<<12) ) results[10]++;
+    	        else if (size < (1<<14) ) results[11]++;
+	        else if (size < (1<<16) ) results[12]++;
+	        else if (size < (1<<18) ) results[13]++;
+	        else if (size < (1<<20) ) results[14]++;
+	        else if (size >= (1<<20) ) results[15]++;
+	    }
+        }
+    }
     memcpy(aout, (char *)results, sizeof(results));
     *aoutSize = sizeof(results);
     return 0;
--- a/src/afsd/afsd.c	Sun May 14 04:05:27 2006
+++ b/src/afsd/afsd.c	Fri May 26 00:13:57 2006
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@
 		param5, param6, param7);
-    if (afsd_verbose)
+    if (afsd_debug)
 	printf("SScall(%d, %d, %d)=%d ", AFS_SYSCALL, AFSCALL_CALL, param1,
     return (error);
--- a/src/venus/fs.c	Sun May 14 04:05:27 2006
+++ b/src/venus/fs.c	Fri May 26 00:13:57 2006
@@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@
         struct vcxstat2 stat;
         blob.out_size = sizeof(struct vcxstat2);
         blob.in_size = 0;
-        blob.out = &stat;
+        blob.out = (void *)&stat;
         code = pioctl(ti->data, VIOC_GETVCXSTATUS2, &blob, 1);
         if (code) {
             Die(errno, ti->data);
@@ -2006,13 +2006,28 @@
 static int
 GetCacheParmsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, char *arock)
-    afs_int32 code;
+    afs_int32 code, filesUsed;
     struct ViceIoctl blob;
     afs_int32 parms[MAXGCSIZE];
+    double percentFiles, percentBlocks;
+    afs_int32 flags = 0;
+    if (as->parms[0].items){ /* -files */
+	flags = 1;
+    } else if (as->parms[1].items){ /* -excessive */
+	flags = 2;
+    } else {
+	flags = 0;
+    }
     memset(parms, '\0', sizeof parms);	/* avoid Purify UMR error */
-    blob.in = NULL;
-    blob.in_size = 0;
+    if (flags){
+	blob.in = (char *)&flags;
+	blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32);
+    } else {	/* be backward compatible */
+	blob.in = NULL;
+	blob.in_size = 0;
+    }
     blob.out_size = sizeof(parms);
     blob.out = (char *)parms;
     code = pioctl(0, VIOCGETCACHEPARMS, &blob, 1);
@@ -2020,11 +2035,45 @@
 	Die(errno, NULL);
 	return 1;
-    printf("AFS using %d of the cache's available %d 1K byte blocks.\n",
-	   parms[1], parms[0]);
-    if (parms[1] > parms[0])
-	printf
-	    ("[Cache guideline temporarily deliberately exceeded; it will be adjusted down but you may wish to increase the cache size.]\n");
+    if (!flags){
+	printf("AFS using %d of the cache's available %d 1K byte blocks.\n",
+		parms[1], parms[0]);
+	if (parms[1] > parms[0])
+		printf("[Cache guideline temporarily deliberately exceeded; it will be adjusted down but you may wish to increase the cache size.]\n");
+	return 0;
+    }
+    percentBlocks = ((double)parms[1]/parms[0]) * 100;
+    printf("AFS using %5.0f%% of cache blocks (%d of %d 1k blocks)\n",
+	   percentBlocks, parms[1], parms[0]);
+    filesUsed = parms[2] - parms[3];
+    percentFiles = ((double)filesUsed/parms[2]) * 100;
+    printf("          %5.0f%% of the cache files (%d of %d files)\n",
+	    percentFiles, filesUsed, parms[2]);
+    if (flags == 2){
+	printf("	afs_cacheFiles: %10d\n", parms[2]);
+	printf("	IFFree:         %10d\n", parms[3]); 
+	printf("	IFEverUsed:     %10d\n", parms[4]); 
+	printf("	IFDataMod:      %10d\n", parms[5]); 
+	printf("	IFDirtyPages:   %10d\n", parms[6]);
+	printf("	IFAnyPages:     %10d\n", parms[7]); 
+	printf("	IFDiscarded:    %10d\n", parms[8]);
+	printf("	DCentries:  %10d\n", parms[9]);
+	printf("	  0k-   4K: %10d\n", parms[10]); 
+	printf("	  4k-  16k: %10d\n", parms[11]); 
+	printf("	 16k-  64k: %10d\n", parms[12]); 
+	printf("	 64k- 256k: %10d\n", parms[13]); 
+	printf("	256k-   1M: %10d\n", parms[14]); 
+	printf("	      >=1M: %10d\n", parms[15]); 
+    }
+    if (percentBlocks > 90)
+	printf("[cache size usage over 90%, consider increasing cache size]\n");
+    if (percentFiles > 90)
+	printf("[cache file usage over 90%, consider increasing '-files' argument to afsd]\n");
     return 0;
@@ -3372,6 +3421,8 @@
     ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcacheparms", GetCacheParmsCmd, 0,
 			  "get cache usage info");
+    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-files", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Show cach files used as well");
+    cmd_AddParm(ts, "-excessive", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "excessively verbose cache stats");
     ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listcells", ListCellsCmd, 0,
 			  "list configured cells");
