[OpenAFS-devel] Mac OS X 10.4.6 and OpenAFS server issues
Academician Kula
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 11:26:01 -0500
On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 11:37:21AM -0400, Jon Allen Boone wrote:
> By the way, the answers to your questions regarding Finder, etc. are:
> 1. mount /vicepa as /vicepa - edit /etc/fstab as follows:
> UUID=<UUID of partition here> /vicepa ufs rw
Huh, I could not get that to work reliably, although on the one machine
I just tried it on, it did. But that could have simply been me being
> 2. make /vicepa invisible to Finder:
> /Developer/Tools/bin/SetFile -a V /vicepa
> (You either have to relaunch the finder or logout/login again
> to see the effect.)
Ah, useful.
> By the way, I am not using OS X Server for this, just regular OS
> X. This means I have to rely on the OpenAFS KAS and some additional
Eww. Regular OS X should run an MIT KDC just fine, if you download and
install it. Using KAS any more, especially for new sites, just seems
like a bad idea to me.
I demoed OS X Server because I thought that's what most sites using
OS X to deploy these services would use. As far as I can tell, though,
the OpenAFS stuff should work just fine on regular OS X, and it should
run the MIT KDC just fine as well. If you wanted some sort of sane SSO
you'd need to add some sort of directory service as well.
I can't say I'd use OS X for this, but it does seem to work for those
that would.
Thomas L. Kula | kula@tproa.net | http://kula.tproa.net/
Mathom House upon the Canw, The People's Republic of Ames