[OpenAFS-devel] Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server
Hamzalija Meco
Mon, 8 Sep 2008 09:30:41 +0200 (CEST)
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Dear Openafs guru´s
im having a wierd issue with the
<input>./vos create -server avn25 -partition
/vicepa -name avn25 -cell nmmdemo -noauth
<output> Could not
fetch the list of partitions from the server
<output> Possible
communication failure
<output> Possible communication
im runnin it on a opensuse 10.2 with
openafs-1.5.52, compiled it into the kernel with no problems and when i
bos status avn25 well it show´s no problems.
bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
bos: running
Instance kasserver, currently running normally.
Instance ptserver, currently running normally.
Instance vlserver,
currently running normally.
Instance busserver, currently running
Instance fs, currently running normally.
Auxiliary status is: file server running.
Instance upserver, currently running normally.
Instance upclient,
currently running normally.
anny ideas???
Hamzalija Meco
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Dear Openafs guru´s<br /><br />im having a wierd issue with the
command <br /><br /><input>./vos create -server avn25 -partition
/vicepa -name avn25 -cell nmmdemo -noauth<br /><output> Could not
fetch the list of partitions from the server <br /><output> Possible
communication failure<br /><output> Possible communication
failure<br /><br />im runnin it on a opensuse 10.2 with
openafs-1.5.52, compiled it into the kernel with no problems and when i
writhe <br /><br />bos status avn25 well it show´s no problems.<br
/><br />bos: no such entry (getting tickets)<br />bos: running
unauthenticated<br />Instance kasserver, currently running normally.<br
/>Instance ptserver, currently running normally.<br />Instance vlserver,
currently running normally.<br />Instance busserver, currently running
normally.<br />Instance fs, currently running normally.<br
/> Auxiliary status is: file server running.<br
/>Instance upserver, currently running normally.<br />Instance upclient,
currently running normally.<br /><br />anny ideas???<br /><br />best
regards <br />Hamzalija Meco