[OpenAFS-devel] warnings fix

Jeffrey Hutzelman jhutz@cmu.edu
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 16:14:51 -0400

--On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 06:22:07 AM -0400 Marcus Watts 
<mdw@umich.edu> wrote:

>    Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@secure-endpoints.com> writes:
> ...
>> None of these "interesting surprises" are specific to rxk5.  Maintaining
>> them privately and mixing them into the monolithic rxk5 branch makes it
>> nearly impossible for them to be incorporated into the tree.
>> For each one of these items an RT ticket should have been created
>> at the time the issue was discovered.
> Please shoot the messenger more.

I plan to, if the messenger sits on all of my messages for a year and then 
dumps a shipping container on my doorstep one morning.