[OpenAFS-devel] dump format 1.4.10 versa 1.5.60
Hans-Werner Paulsen
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:10:53 +0200
Hi all,
currently I am testing openafs-1.5.60 on Linux. The dumps written with
1.5.60 cannot be read with a 1.4.10 system. (E.g. vos move does not work).
The dump of the 1.5.60 version has a tag "V" in the volume header section=
which is unknown to the 1.4.10 version.
Hans-Werner Paulsen hans@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE
MPI f=FCr Astrophysik Tel 089-30000-2602
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 Fax 089-30000-2235=09
D-85741 Garching