[OpenAFS-devel] openafs 1.5 HP-UX question

Marcus Watts mdw@umich.edu
Sun, 10 May 2009 22:09:02 -0400

I dug up some more history on hp-ux bogus revision tags:
> In 1.5.x, these 2 files
> 	src/shlibafsrpc/Makefile.in
> 	src/libafsrpc/Makefile.in

These show the original commit tag in afs,
cvs up -ko -pr1.1 src/libafsrpc/Makefile.in | egrep -i hp
cvs up -ko -pr1.1 src/shlibafsrpc/Makefile.in | egrep -i hp

Unfortunately, the former shows "1.7", and the latter "1.13'.

	=> no conclusion in openafs cvs

A copy of "openafs-1.0.3-src.tar.gz" from April 2001
shows "" once (seems to predate shlibafsrpc.)

A copy of "afs 3.6" from ibm shows this:
#           HP92453-02 A.10.0A HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (PXDB) $Revision: 1.71 $
(claims to be "afs3.6 1.53").

There is also this web page:
showing the same copyright.

	=> pre-cvs transarc/openafs string was probably '1.71'.

Google on "hp92453" found this japanese page:
which has this "what" output:
$Revision: 92453-07 linker linker crt0.o B.11.53 060807 $
HP92453-02 A.11.0A HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (PXDB wrapper) $Revision: 74.54 $

This web page
points to the mit ibm openafs source, and has this "what" output:
HP92453-02 A.10.0A HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (PXDB) $Revision: 75.30 $

And this,
HP92453-02 A.10.0A HP-UX SYMBLIC DEBUGGER (PXDB) $Revision: 75.45 $

	=> the original hp tag probably started "75.", and the bug
	may extend across multiple versions.

Do people still run openafs on hp-ux?

				-Marcus Watts