[OpenAFS-devel] Weird interaction between libnss-afs and aklog
Jakub Witkowski
Tue, 24 Nov 2009 14:26:53 +0100
Dnia 2009-11-24, o godz. 14:19:43
Jakub Witkowski <jpw@wszib.edu.pl> napisa=C5=82(a):
> Hello,
> I have been playing around with libnss-afs with the intention of
> simplifying our afs student workstations.
I forgot to mention that I have been using Debian 5.0.3 x64 and Openafs
1.4.11+dfsg-5~bpo50+1 taken from the backports.org. I have also tried
aklog from 1.5.66, with same results.
Jakub Witkowski.