[OpenAFS-devel] Linux atime nits
Marc Aurele La France
Mon, 18 Jan 2010 11:12:01 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
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On Mon, 18 Jan 2010, Derrick Brashear wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Marc Aurele La France <tsi@ualberta.c=
a> wrote:
>> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
>>> On 17 Jan 2010, at 13:48, Marc Aurele La France wrote:
>>>> Any chance of incorporating these into stable?
>>> When we last discussed pullups for 1.4.12, we decided that these were
>>> too high risk for that release (the changes appeared very late in the
>>> release cycle). MS_NOATIME is sufficiently large that it doesn't appe=
>>> to conflict with any inode flags, up to and including Linus's current
>>> kernel, so there doesn't appear to be a risk associated with not taki=
>>> them this time round.
>> Only one more inode flag is needed to create a conflict. =A0Whether or=
>> this occurs before 1.4.13 is released is a risk I gather you are willi=
ng to
>> take. =A0I think it's better to be pro-active.
> The question is "will it happen in a kernel 1.4.12 also doesn't
> support, making the issue somewhat less urgent?".
Humm. That depends on whether or not a inode flag conflict is the only=20
reason it doesn't. Incompatible changes to kernel APIs have died down=20
quite a bit of late.
Anyway, I'll continue carrying these changes until I no longer need to.
| Marc Aurele La France | work: 1-780-492-9310 |
| Academic Information and | fax: 1-780-492-1729 |
| Communications Technologies | email: tsi@ualberta.ca |
| 352 General Services Building +----------------------------------+
| University of Alberta | |
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