[OpenAFS-devel] Re: Permission bug?
Markus Suvanto
Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:26:41 +0200
I have patch openafs-stable-1_4_x with
http://gerrit.openafs.org/#change,1143 (hopefully),
but still the behaviour is different than using old version.
This is what I want ( 63840e2e57c74c9bd204d130dc8124138e2066fe)
masu 23:15 ~/test >fs la .
Access list for . is
Normal rights:
=A0masu li
masu 23:15 ~/test >echo "hello" > file1
masu 23:15 ~/test >cat file1
cat: file1: Permission denied
masu 23:15 ~/test >ls -la
total 17
-rw-r--r-- =A0 1 masu users =A0 =A0 6 Jan 22 23:15 file1
The latest with patch:
htpc 23:17 ~/test >fs la .
Access list for . is
Normal rights:
masu li
htpc 23:17 ~/test >echo "hello" > file2
htpc 23:17 ~/test >cat file2
So it can read file even there is no "r" permissions.
and I can't implement dropbox where you can only
put files nothing else.
>> Andrew Deason has written a patch that should address this (the problem =
is restricted to directories with dropbox style permissions) - it's http://=
>> Cheers,
>> Simon.