[OpenAFS-devel] Gerrit conflict resolution

Simon Wilkinson sxw@inf.ed.ac.uk
Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:58:10 +0000

I've just changed the way that gerrit resolves path conflicts when  
merging changes. This probably only really affects the gatekeepers,  
but I thought I should flag it generally, in case it starts to cause  

In the past, when gerrit attempted to merge a change to a file which  
had been modified since that change was created, it would fail the  
merge and return an error message. In a large number of cases, all  
that was necessary to resolve this error was a simple git rebase,  
followed by resubmission. Gerrit's merge algorithm has now been  
improved so that it is able to handle merging multiple changes to  
different areas of the same file, removing the need for this trivial  
rebase in a large number of cases.

We're now running with this improved merge algorithm. Please let me  
know if it seem to cause any issues.

