[OpenAFS-devel] Re: Breaking callbacks on unlink
Jeffrey Altman
Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:35:20 -0500
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On 1/26/2012 10:09 AM, chas williams - CONTRACTOR wrote:
> the "breaking callbacks on unlink" is yet another drop in this bucket
> of non-deterministic behavior. as andrew said, a user asked him why it=
> sometimes worked one way and sometimes another. while not as serious a=
> the idledead problem, it still leads to questions in people's minds.
> if i give you a calculator and it works fine except that square root
> sometimes gives the wrong answer, would you use it? did i forget to
> tell you that the square root might be wrong? how do you know when the=
> square root will give the right answer? wouldn't you prefer to know
> that square root will always be wrong instead of possibly right.
> the argument with regard to breaking the callbacks is getting the same
> behavior every time regardless of whether or not you like the result. i=
> would argue this should be the default and if there is any flag, it
> should be "enable legacy unlink behavior that hinges upon what
> you might have to done to precondition your local cache".
There are two completely different issues here:
1. What is the semantic behavior of the existing RPC?
It is that the callback break is not issued when the link count
hits 0. This is the behavior of the RXAFS_Removefile RPC and
it cannot change.
2. What are the semantics that would be desired by the community?
Here there are a couple of possibilities:
a. Consistent behavior such that when the link count hits 0
file descriptors on UNIX can safely continue to use it.
b. Consistent behavior such that when the link count hits 0
the callback is broken and cache managers are required to
invalidate any open file descriptors or handles.
c. Client requested behavior when a client issued an extended
FetchStatus request.
Any of these can be adopted. The way they get implemented is
by supporting new RPCs.
OpenAFS cannot stop a site from applying a local patch to do whatever
they want. However, OpenAFS will not accept patches that intentionally
modify existing semantics UNLESS the existing semantics pose a security
issue. Examples where we have done this in the past include access
control enforcement and setuid functionality.
Jeffrey Altman
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