[OpenAFS-devel] Testing (and a call for volunteers)

Jason Edgecombe jason@rampaginggeek.com
Thu, 20 Sep 2012 21:33:34 -0400

On 09/20/2012 07:03 AM, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
> On 20 Sep 2012, at 01:46, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>> In other words, 'yes'.   The machine is misconfigured for running
>> OpenAFS servers.
>> OpenAFS does not support local hostname resolution to loopback
>> addresses.
> More specifically, this is a ubik problem. When a ubik server starts up, it picks one or more addresses to listen on. These addresses are also compared against the configuration in the server CellServDB to make sure that we are actually configured as a ubik server for the current cell. The test suite uses the same logic as ubik to work out the addresses to put in the test CellServDB.
> That logic is:
>      gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
>      host = gethostbyname(hostname);
>      memcpy(&ipaddr, host->h_addr, 4);
> If ipaddr is a loopback address, then the ubik server will not start properly. In order for the tests to actually run, the machine itself must be listening on ipaddr
> So, for the test suite to work, the machine's hostname must resolve to a non-loopback IP address, which the machine is actually listening on. On  my (Mac) laptop, I achieve this by adding a private network address to /etc/hosts, and adding an alias for eth0 that is configured with that address.
Putting the real IP in /etc/hosts made most things work. I'll have to 
try Simon's suggested solution.
