[OpenAFS-devel] Re: kabi-tracking kmods

Harald Barth haba@kth.se
Thu, 27 Sep 2012 15:17:04 +0200 (CEST)

> Another option would be to make the OpenAFS FUSE client fully functional.
> Any serious obstacles to that? What would it take?

Arla, which is a userland/kernel (arlad/nnpfs) implementation has
existed since before fuse did exist. It should not be that difficult
to replace nnpfs with fuse if someone likes the fuse kernel module
better than the nnpfs one. So anyone can take the source code for
arlad and write the missing parts that it interfaces with libfuse.

But instead of putting money into a working file system, another ftp
lookalike command (this week probably cloudftp) is used by the HPC
