[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS gerrit and OpenID

Garrett Wollman wollman@csail.mit.edu
Fri, 29 Nov 2013 21:48:44 -0500

I've been trying to sign in to my long-dormant Gerrit account (just to
make sure it still works; I don't have anything to contribute at this
time), and it now tells me "Provider is not supported, or was
incorrectly entered."  This used to work, and it does work if I use
a test OpenID consumer.  Unfortunately, there is no debugging
information available.  Can anyone check on the gerrit side that
none of the configuration issues that a Google search for this message
turns up are present?  (My actual OpenID IdP is wordpress.com.)

FWIW, it would be nice if gerrit supported BrowserID/Persona in
addition to OpenID, as I'm likely to implement it for my enterprise CA
next year.
