[OpenAFS-devel] Signing Mac Pkgs

Dave B. botsch@cnf.cornell.edu
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 01:32:48 -0400

Coolness. The website's Mac page, then, should probably at the very least 
have a note that current Mac packages are available from 3rd party providers.

David William Botsch

On April 30, 2015 1:24:50 AM Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@your-file-system.com> 

> On 4/30/2015 12:27 AM, Dave Botsch wrote:
> > I've been looking at signing Mac pkgs to make Gatekeeper happy (at least
> > for the "install" step). It looks like, as of 10.9.5 and up, Apple
> > purposely disallows acceptance of a signed "bundle" PKG, which would
> > appear to be what the current PKG is. One must instead create a so
> > called "flat" pkg, which means using the newer pkgbuild tool
> > (supposedly, packagemaker with a 10.5 target will do this as well, but,
> > well, it doesn't, probably due to the additional scripts). For the most
> > part, the flat pkg would appear to be able to use the same input as the
> > current "bundle" pkg. But, the scripts that are allowed are different.
> > So, that has to be worked around. And, whether or not the cell config
> > plugin is allowed as well is unclear.
> >
> > So, has anyone looked at converting from packagemaker to pkgbuild and a
> > flat pkg?
> The packages that Your File System, Inc. distribute for OSX Yosemite and
> Mavericks are flat packages.   They include a signed kernel extension,
> signed binaries, and a signed package.   You can download packages from
>   https://www.your-file-system.com/openafs-client-installer/download
> Technical support for these packages is available from Your File System,
> Inc. as part of a support contract
> Jeffrey Altman