[OpenAFS-devel] openafs libuafs for QT File apis
Benjamin Kaduk
Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:16:41 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 29 Dec 2015, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> So I got this crazy idea that I wanted to make
> QT apps on android & ios that could access AFS.
> Attached is a patch which seems to 'sort of' work
> in a few cases, but mostly not. The fact that
> it does actually work in a few cases seems to
> make it worth the effort to fix the rest.
> Any thoughts?
> Also what issues does anyone see with linking
> libuafs with the GPL QT libraries.. I know we
> had a lot of friction with the linux community,
> but this is sort of the other way around.
I have no particular thoughts about UAFS or GPL compatibility. UAFS is
far enough along that I haven't been able to convince myself to advocate
for removing it entirely, but I don't know what its current known flaws or
weaknesses are or how far from fully baked it is. I am not spending my
time on it other than to keep it limping along during overall structural
changes, since there are (to me) more important fish to fry.
> And where are we with working open code for
> ipv6? I think half of the "don't work" cases
> above are related to the goofy IPv4 network
> topology I have my AFS servers on.
Extremely far.
There are two changes in gerrit, http://gerrit.openafs.org/#/c/11861/ is
the tip, but that does not even begin to scratch the surface of the work
that needs to be done.
To the best of my knowledge, no one is publicly working on IPv6 support,
or has even declared an intent to start working on it. Even if someone
was working on it, I wouldn't expect it to be done for another 2 years,
starting from the current state of affairs.
It sounds all doom and gloom because it is -- if no one is actually doing
the work, it's just not going to get done. If someone is interested in
doing the work, we can start outlining a direction of progress for
reasonable incremental chunks of work and having design discussions, but
there seems no point in talking about it with no plans for actually doing