[OpenAFS-devel] AFSDB record changes and pre-existing clients

Stephan Wiesand stephan.wiesand@desy.de
Fri, 19 Jul 2019 17:44:30 +0200

> On 19. Jul 2019, at 15:39, Steve Simmons <scs@umich.edu> wrote:
> We're working a project to migrate our afsdb servers to a new data =
center in a manner that minimizes downtime for clients. As part of this, =
we're going to convert all the clients we control to use afsdb records =
in hopes of eliminating downtime completely. There are some edge =
conditions we didn't immediately see an answer for,  mostly relating to =
what a client does when the DNS AFSDB records change. We're looking at =
this w/r/t 1.6 and 1.8 clients. The questions we have -
> - does the client time out  the records in accordance with the TTLs =
and  re-fetch them?
> - whether it does or not, is there  a way to force the client to =
refetch without having to restart the client service or the entire =

Interesting project, good questions. While I don't know the exact =
answers, I think "fs newcell" should be useful.

- Stephan

> Advance  thanks,
> Steve Simmons
> ITS Unix Support/SCS Admins