[OpenAFS-devel] AFS Meetup - IBM relicensing & KAFS/RXRPC +
Stephan Wiesand
Fri, 8 Sep 2023 21:00:54 +0200
Ouch. Miscalculation on my part. Thank you Atro, and sorry Tracy. =
Looking forward to meeting you!
> On 8. Sep 2023, at 20:51, Atro Tossavainen <atro.tossavainen@atro.fi> =
>> undoubtedly you're aware that the time of this meeting is extremely =
inconvenient for potential participants from Europe. I'm really =
wondering what to make out of this.
> 9 am Eastern is 3 pm in CET. Is it inconvenient because it's during
> working hours? So is 9 am (for those in the U.S.), I guess.