[OpenAFS-devel] Kernel BUG on Linux 6.5.3

Michael Laß lass@mail.upb.de
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 22:19:55 +0200

Hi Mark,

Am Donnerstag, dem 14.09.2023 um 16:06 -0400 schrieb MS Vitale:
> I didn't look closely, but I doubt you are missing anything.
> Instead, this might be an edge case provoked by site-specific
> contents of dynroot.
> Could you please supply a list of all your cell names from CellServDB
> and any aliases from CellAlias?

My CellServDB is the one currently shipped in src/afsd [1], extended by
the following entry:

>fritz.box              #Test cell         #afs.fritz.box

But since two other users reported the issue today, I don't think it's
related to that additional entry.

I don't have any CellAlias file set up.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/openafs/openafs/blob/538f450033a67e251b473ff92238b31=