[OpenAFS-Doc] Apologies about documentation mess

renato arruda rarruda0@gmail.com
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 10:27:11 -0300

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 I guess i should apologize for the mess i probably ended up making in the=
documentation project. But here is my side of the story.
 A while ago i needed some documentation that was better formatted than wha=
was available from the website and i felt it needed to be updated. The=20
documentation project looked kinda dead back then, so i decided to do some=
work because then i had a personal need for it.=20
 Since the format that the HTML pages followed were very similar to LaTeX=
and i already knew LaTeX, for me it seemed like an obvious choice to write =
parser that would convert the HTML to latex and live with that. Now if you=
say that LaTeX isnt the best tool for the job, then i will have to agree.=
But at the time i didnt have the time to learn a new tool and then write=20
parsers to convert the existing documentation to it. LaTeX seemed ok becaus=
it could generate both HTML and PDF for the manuals (never really thought=
too much about the man page to be honest). I never thought that LaTeX would=
be a final solution, but that once i got all the manual converted to latex=
(which i never did), I could write another parser to some other format like=
docbook (or whatever it would be felt to be the most appropriate solution).=
 I dont intend to start a flame war over a format either, but for an=20
official documentation format Esther should be the most adequate person to=
make the call, imho. And in my opinion a single source for all the=20
documentation is a must. I=B4ve been away from the community for a while fo=
personal reasons, but now i should have a few hours here and there to work=
on the project helping out on what=B4s needed.=20
 I=B4m sorry if i have ended up causing disburbances on the community, I=20
_never_ intended for that to happen. At the time i just wanted something=20
that would work better for me, and if it would help others, then it would=
all good too.=20

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<div>I guess i should apologize for the mess i probably ended up making in =
the documentation project. But here is my side of the story.</div>
<div>A while ago i needed some documentation that was better formatted than=
 what was available from the website and i felt it needed to be updated. Th=
e documentation project looked kinda dead back then, so i decided to do som=
e work because then i had a personal need for it.=20
<div>Since the format that the HTML pages followed were very similar to LaT=
eX and i already knew LaTeX, for me it seemed like an obvious choice to wri=
te a parser that would convert the HTML to latex and live with that. Now if=
 you say that LaTeX isnt the best tool for the job, then i will have to agr=
ee. But at the time i didnt have the time to learn a new tool and then writ=
e parsers to convert the existing documentation to it. LaTeX seemed ok beca=
use it could generate both HTML and PDF for the manuals (never really thoug=
ht too much about&nbsp;the man page to be honest). I never thought that LaT=
eX would be a final solution, but that once i got&nbsp;all the manual conve=
rted to latex (which i never did),&nbsp;I could write another parser to som=
e other format like docbook (or whatever it&nbsp;would be&nbsp;felt to be t=
he most appropriate solution).=20
<div>I&nbsp;dont intend to start a flame war over a format either, but for =
an official documentation format Esther should be the most adequate person =
to make the call, imho. And in my opinion&nbsp;a&nbsp;single source for all=
 the documentation is a must.&nbsp;I=B4ve been away from the community for =
a while for personal reasons, but now i should have a few hours here and th=
ere to work on the project helping out on what=B4s needed.=20
<div>I=B4m sorry if i have ended up causing disburbances on the community, =
I _never_ intended for that to happen. At the time i just wanted something =
that would work better for me, and if it would help others, then it would a=
ll good too.=20
