[OpenAFS-Doc] Format and style for documentation?
Charles Curley
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 15:58:00 -0600
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On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:08:59AM -0400, David Montuori wrote:
> Hello everyone -- first time poster here, redirected from the info list.
> In the relatively near future, I'm looking to submit a change to the
> existing documentation (the guide). Is there any guide (official or not,
> most likely unofficial) to the preferred format and style?
I'm not sure which guide you're referring to. I plan to do some work
on the Quick Start Unix Guide, but it's a low priority.
As part of that I had planned to work out a style guide (which tags to
use for which elements of the document). I haven't started on that, so
if you want to produce a draft, I'd like to look at it and work with
you. This is the sort of thing that should go into the OpenAFS Wiki at
some point. http://www.dementia.org/twiki/bin/view/AFSLore/
Charles Curley /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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