[OpenAFS] sun4x_57 binaries

Charles Clancy mgrtcc@cs.rose-hulman.edu
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:37:25 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Thomas Vincent - 409-974-3678 wrote:
> Sun's workshop compiler, is required when you are bulding anything that
> goes into the kernel. A friend at Sun actually told me that the majority
> of the company uses gcc. And only the kernel folk use sun workshop.

I tried compiling openafs-1.0 it with gcc 2.95.2 under 32-bit Solaris 7,
and got all the way to the kernel modules before it died.  As far as I
know, gcc doesn't do 64-bit.  Sun's compiler's only $100 for academic
institutions, so we're planning to just buy it.
      Charles Clancy -- mgrtcc@cs.rose-hulman.edu
Senior UNIX Administrator, Rose-Hulman Computer Science