[OpenAFS] 1.1.0 client on RH 7.1

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
20 Jul 2001 10:44:02 -0400

You can ignore those warnings.  I don't know why RH 7.1 is actually
printing them, but whatever.  I'll see what I can do to fix that for
future releases.

As for the other error, it looks like your file system filled up.
What does 'df' show?


<jgood@umbc.edu> writes:


>    4:openafs-kernel         ########################################### [
> 66%]
>    5:openafs-client         error: unpacking of archive failed on file
> /afs: cpio: chown failed - Read-only file system
>    5:openafs-server         ########################################### [
> 83%]
> /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.17644: [: eq: binary operator expected
> Be sure to edit /etc/sysconfig/afs and turn AFS_SERVER on
> (The files in the directory were everything from openafs package:
> openafs-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm, openafs-kernel-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm,
> openafs-client-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm,
> openafs-kernel-source-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm,
> openafs-devel-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm, openafs-server-1.1.0-24.2.i386.rpm)
> I built everything from the source rpm.
> Any help? Thanks.
> -- 
> John Goodall
> Office of Information Technology
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
> 1000 Hilltop Circle
> Baltimore, MD 21250
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available