[OpenAFS] creating system:ptviewers for existing cell...

Rudolph T Maceyko rtm@cert.org
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 17:50:17 -0400


--On Thursday, July 26, 2001 17:44:49 -0400 Jeffrey Hutzelman 
<jhutz@cmu.edu> wrote:

>> $ pts creategroup -name system:ptsviewers -owner system -id -203
>> pts: User or group doesn't exist ; unable to create group
>> system:ptsviewers with id -203 owned by 'system'
>> Do I really have to create a 'system' pts user in order to make this?
> Of course not.  It merely has to be owned by a group whose prefix is
> also 'system'.  In this case, system:administrators.

Thanks for the help.  I should have been able to figure that one out 
myself...  I was preoccupied by the idea that the previous cell I 
worked with *did* have a system pts account...
