[OpenAFS] Not a directory

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
04 Apr 2002 11:01:45 +0200

I've been playing with the backup issues. I created
a backup volume of my user volume with 'vos backup user', mounted
it with 'fs mkmount /afs/.bayour/user.backup user.backup'.

Seemed to work fine, I have yet to automate this etc. Now, i'm not
quite sure what I did, but a restart of the client and fileserver
and a 'fs rmmount'/'vos remove' was involved...

Now I get the following:

----- s n i p -----
[papadoc.pts/5]$ fs rmmount /afs/.bayour/user.backup
fs:'/afs/.bayour/user.backup': Not a directory
[papadoc.pts/5]$ ll /afs/.bayour/
/bin/ls: /afs/.bayour/user.backup: Connection timed out
total 4
drwxrwxrwx    4 root     root         2048 Apr  3 15:18 public/
drwxrwxrwx    3 root     root         2048 Apr  3 14:31 user/
----- s n i p -----

And I can't remove the 'mount' or whatever I'm left with...

I've tried 'zap' which give:

----- s n i p -----
[papadoc.pts/5]$ vos zap -server papadoc -partition /vicepa -id user.backup -force -noauth
vos: forcibly removing all traces of volume 536870920, please wait...failed with code 1492325127.
----- s n i p -----
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