[OpenAFS] Not a directory

Turbo Fredriksson turbo@bayour.com
07 Apr 2002 10:42:04 +0200

Quoting Charles Clancy <security@xauth.net>:

> Looks like after zapping the volume, you have a VLDB entry, but no actual
> volume.  If you get rid of the VLDB entry, everything should work again.
> vos delentry 536870918      (to delete VLDB entry)

Worked fine, it deleted one entry.. But I still get

----- s n i p -----
[papadoc.pts/5]$ vos syncvldb papadoc
VLDB synchronized with state of server papadoc
[papadoc.pts/5]$ ls -l /afs/.bayour/
/bin/ls: /afs/.bayour/user.backup: Connection timed out
----- s n i p -----

> vos backup user             (to create a new backup volume)

Don't want to do this quite yet. I have some issues with my tapedrive now...

This is what I get now:

----- s n i p -----
[papadoc.pts/5]$ vos examine user.backup
Could not fetch the information about volume 536870920 from the server
: No such device
Volume user.backup does not exist

Dump only information from VLDB

    RWrite: 536870918 
    number of sites -> 1
       server papadoc.bayour.com partition /vicepa RW Site 
[papadoc.pts/5]$ vos listvol papadoc vicepa
Total number of volumes on server papadoc partition /vicepa: 6 
public                            536870924 RW      32157 K On-line
root.afs                          536870912 RW         36 K On-line
root.afs.readonly                 536870913 RO         36 K On-line
root.cell                         536870915 RW          5 K On-line
root.cell.readonly                536870916 RO          5 K On-line
user                              536870918 RW      12918 K On-line

Total volumes onLine 6 ; Total volumes offLine 0 ; Total busy 0

[papadoc.pts/5]$ fs ls /afs/.bayour/user.backup
'/afs/.bayour/user.backup' is a mount point for volume '#user.backup'
[papadoc.pts/5]$ vos delentry 536870920
Could not delete entry for volume 536870920
You must specify a RW volume name or ID (the entire VLDB entry will be deleted)
VLDB: no such entry
Deleted 0 VLDB entries
----- s n i p -----

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