[OpenAFS] Windows client problem with Jbuilder5/Acrobat

Matthew Cocker matt@cs.auckland.ac.nz
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:56:08 +1200


A while ago I emailed the list with a problem with the windows client and 
Acrobat Reader and Jbuilder (out of disk or similar errors). There was a 
bug fix on the development tree that we applied to the latest stable 
source. This fixed the Acrobat error but Jbuilder5 will still not create a 
project in AFS space. We ran a whole lot of debug utilities and the only 
differences we see when comparing creating a new project on the local C: 
drive and in AFS space is shown below.

When using JBuilder 5 to create a project in AFS we are presented with the 
error "there are no more files".
The problem appears to be when JBuilder checks to see if the project file 
already exists.
Using FileMon we gathered the following data:

This is what happens on a NTFS drive:
5 2:29:43 PM java.exe:1264 IRP_MJ_CREATE I:\temp\ SUCCESS Attributes: Any 
Options: Open Directory
6 2:29:43 PM java.exe:1264 IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL I:\temp\ NO SUCH FILE 
FileBothDirectoryInformation: untitled3.jpx
This is what happens on AFS:
129 2:30:16 PM java.exe:1264 IRP_MJ_CREATE G:\r\e\regg002\temp\ SUCCESS 
Attributes: Any Options: Open Directory
130 2:30:16 PM java.exe:1264 IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL G:\r\e\regg002\temp\ 
NO MORE FILES FileBothDirectoryInformation: untitled3.jpx
NTFS returns "no such file" while AFS returns "no more files".
JBuilder appears to be expecting "no such file".
We have tried this on both AFS 1.2.2b and AFS 1.3.1 clients under Windows 2000.

Any suggestions


Matt Cocker