[OpenAFS] Home directory in AFS

Derek Atkins derek@ihtfp.com
20 Apr 2002 10:58:17 -0400

Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@bayour.com> writes:

> >>>>> "Derek" == Derek Atkins <derek@ihtfp.com> writes:
>     Derek> This doesn't help.  What are your AFS permissions?  What do
>     Derek> you get from: fs la /afs/bayour.com/user/
> Sorry, I'm still learning AFS :)

Yea.  I highly recommend you go read the AFS Intro Guide, or hire
someone to come teach you basic AFS stuff.

> ----- s n i p -----
> [papadoc.pts/8]$ fs la /afs/bayour.com/user/
> Access list for /afs/bayour.com/user/ is
> Normal rights:
>   system:administrators rlidwka
>   system:anyuser rl
> ----- s n i p -----
> Exactly (!) the same rights for '.../turbo' and '.../frans'. In my
> home-to-be, I can write, because I (turbo) is in the 'administrators'
> group.

When you run "mkdir" in AFS, the new directory takes the ACL of the
parent.  You can change the ACL by using "fs setacl"; in order to do
this you need to:

        a) have 'a'dmin permission on the directory, or
        b) own the volume, or
        c) be a member of system:administrator

When you create a new volume, you can set the user to own the volume,
so they have implicit 'a' access on all its contents.  Then you can
specifically setacl the top-level to:

        fs setacl /afs/bayour.com/user/<username> <username> all \
                system:anyuser rl -clear

This will set the acl so that:

        a) the user has full access
        b) system:anyuser had 'r'ead and 'l'ist capabilities      

> Home directories and User accounts are two separate issues... I can't
> think of ANY attack, exept 'tempfile rase conditions' (?)

Why do you think they are separate?  A home directory is very much
tied to a user account.  It's not like you're going to have a
_different_ home directory on _each_ machine, especially with AFS.
Don't you want to supply some default dotfiles, for instance?

>     Derek> How   do  you   provision  LDAP   with  a   user's  account
>     Derek> information?   How  do you  provision  Kerberos with  their
>     Derek> password?   However you  do  it, at  that  time you  should
>     Derek> create their AFS homedirectory:
> LibNSS-LDAP/LibPAM-LDAP. Same way that I whould have done it if I where
> running NIS/NIS+. I tell the NSS system that I should look in LDAP for
> hosts, users, groups etc...

You didn't answer my question.  How do you get the user account
information _INTO_ LDAP?

> Same way I do it now, in non-AFS space. ALL users share a 8Gb disk (my
> old 36Gb crashed, this is the temporary disk). IF I run out, I add
> a new disk (either using LVM or do Linear RAID). Both can be done more
> or less on a runtime basis (as long as no users is logged in :).

There are sites out there that are running multiple Terrabytes of data
in AFS.  There is NO WAY that could be managed as a single volume on a
single partition on a single machine!

>     Derek> Kerberos     (for user Authentication)
>     Derek> LDAP         (for user LOGIN information)
>     Derek> PTServer     (for AFS User/Group entries)
>     Derek> Yes, this is a duplication of data.  No, there is no way to
>     Derek> have PTServer look at LDAP.  Yes, you can programatically
>     Derek> get LDAP to feed data to PTServer.  No, I do not have the
>     Derek> code to do this.
> If we talk theory here (I asume you know the inner workings of the
> AFS daemons), would it be possible to 'remove' the PTServer, and have
> whatever software that talks to it, talk to a SLAPD/KDC instead to get
> the information needed?


As I said, the KDC replaces the KAServer.  So, since you're running
MIT Kerberos you can replace (not run) the AFS KAServer.  However, the
PTServer is a different animal, and you cannot use LDAP in lieu.

> I know this is a FAQ/HOWTO, but the AFS documentation is _HUGE_ (!!!),
> and I just don't have the mental strength (I'm also lazy :) to read it
> from top to bottom. How is a user added to the PTServer?

pts createuser

(run 'pts help' for complete list of commands)

       Derek Atkins
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
       derek@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com