[OpenAFS] Recommendations?

Derrick J Brashear shadow@dementia.org
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:49:07 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Michael Aldrich wrote:

> Hi,

(carriage returns are free)

> I will be creating an AFS network when the newest version of AFS
> (1.2.4) is available. My question is: Which is the 'better' platform to
> run AFS servers on? My choices are Solaris 2.6 (on a SUN Ultra 10) or
> any version of RedHat Linux (on a Dell PowerEdge 1300). It will not be a
> large network, approximately ten client machines (Which will run RedHat
> Linux). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you're using 1.2.4, Solaris. The CopyOnWrite bug still exists as of
this moment, and given your conditions that would be my reasoning.