[OpenAFS] @sys and pwd question

Todd M. Lewis Todd_Lewis@unc.edu
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 08:27:09 -0400

Here's a question that's been bugging me for a long time.  This has to
do with a difference in AFS and OpenAFS behavior between Linux and
everything else since I first started using AFS on Linux back in the
2.0.32 days.

Here's the deal.  Suppose I have a symbolic link, "blah" in
/afs/isis.unc.edu/scratch/utoddl like so:

> [utoddl@nun utoddl]$ ls -l
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 utoddl   12428     9 Aug  8 07:54 blah -> blah.@sys/
> drwxrwxr-x   2 utoddl   12428  2048 Aug  8 07:51 blah.i386_linux24/
> drwxrwxr-x   2 utoddl   12428  2048 Aug  8 07:54 blah.sun4x_58/

Now, if I get on a Linux box in one window, and a Solaris box in another
window, and I do a "cd blah" command, the Right Thing happens, i.e. I
end up in the blah.i386_linux24 directory on Linux and in the
blah.sun4x_58 directory on Solaris.  So far so good.

Here's the part that's bugging me.  On Solaris (or IRIX or AIX or
MacOS/X or whatever other than Linux) if I do a "/bin/pwd" I get in this
case "/afs/isis.unc.edu/scratch/utoddl/blah.sun4x_58" (or
".../blah.sgi_65" or ".../blah.rs_aix51" or ".../blah.ppc_darwin_14" or
whatever), BUT on Linux I get
"/afs/isis.unc.edu/scratch/utoddl/blah.@sys".  In fact, haven't found a
way from the shell prompt (or in a script, which is really more to the
point) to get the system to tell me I'm in "blah.i386_linux24" instead
of "blah.@sys".

Why does it show the "@sys" on the end instead of "i386_linux24" when on
all the other system types I have access to it resolves the actual
directory name?  Obviously I can live with it (I have so far), but it
bugs me anyway.  Is this something that needs to be fixed, or is there
something fundamentally different about Linux that somehow makes this
the Right Thing is this case?
  / Todd_Lewis@unc.edu                  http://www.unc.edu/~utoddl /
 /(919) 962-5273  Linux - It's now safe to turn on your computer. /