[OpenAFS] how?: Distribute /home to n Terminal Servers
Derrick J Brashear
Sat, 7 Dec 2002 11:38:06 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Dan Pritts wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 08:57:11PM +1300, Steve Wright wrote:
> > Are the 'performance issues' ethernet related, or processor related ?
> > We can easily place this traffic on a private network segment.
> I have never really paid much attention to this since i have not had a
> large cell to administer but but i can guarantee you that the network
> traffic is not significant.
if you're doing backups over your production network in a large cell, it
can be large. for everyone else i have to agree with Dan.
> Should one server run short on disk space it is simple to
> move volumes about from one server to another, but you would need to
> have some scripts that monitored this situation and issued the commands
> to move from one server to the other.
run the volume balancer automatically every night.
it's probably due for another release and some updating.
> When you run AFS, you really run AFS - it is not just a file sharing
> protocol, it is a way of life :).
for the moment. a fileserver which exports a real filesystem but treats it
as "sealed" (all modifications come in through afs, which makes noticing
modifications and breaking callbacks much simpler) is within the realm of
possible. as long as you only break the "seal" for backups (but you lose
the clone ability) or when you're doing maintenance it all works.