[OpenAFS] Unable to authenticate to AFS ...

steve rader rader@ginseng.hep.wisc.edu
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:37:13 -0600

 >>> From: Yvonne Becherini [mailto:Yvonne.Becherini@bo.infn.it]
 >>> Hallo all,
 >>> I'm running Redhat Linux 7.2, openafs-1.2.2-rh7.2.1, ntp-4.1.0-4.
 >>> When I try to klog somewhere, I obtain the following message:
 >>> Unable to authenticate to AFS because server and client clocks are badly
 >>> skewed.
 >>> But: afs is running, and ntpd is running.
 >>> Do you have an idea of what's going on?

 >> Ntp won't synchronize clocks that are badly skewed (I forget the exact
 >> parameters, I believe it is a few hours).  Check the exact times, reset to
 >> make them close.

 > b) ntpdate -u ntptimeserver.wherever.domain

Btw, if you put the ip addr of ntp server(s) in
/etc/ntp/step-tickers, stock rh7.2 ntp will automagically
correct the time (even on systems with badly skewed clocks)
at boot via ntpdate.  Refer to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntpd.

- - - 
systems & network guy
high energy physics
university of wisconsin