[OpenAFS] Backup-strategy

Klaas Hagemann kerberos@northsailor.de
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 18:20:35 +0100


having introduced openafs for home and group directorys all over the
country, we now need a backup.
We only use read-write volumes for home directories and group shares.
I cannot use the afs backup-system, because it has to be combined with the
global backup system using omniback from hp.

The idea for backups is:

we have read-only replicas from every volume in the main central. We update
these read-only volumes using the vos release ore something like that.
>From these read-only clones, wich can be accessed via wide band-with we want
to do full dumps and write them on tape.

The problem which will occure is this:
When i have a central read-only replica, the clients will automatic try to
contact these read-only replica.
But they should not do this! For using home-directories they must use the
read-write volume nearby and not the read-only volume in the central.

Any ideas, like locking the read-only volume, closing some ports, using
other mechanism?

Thanks for any hint