[OpenAFS] Web Server and Tokens

Derek Atkins OpenAFS" <openafs-info@openafs.org
18 Feb 2002 16:23:11 -0500

It depends on your threat model.

You could set an IP ACL, or you could set up a cron job to give
you real tokens.  Either case means that someone who breaks into
your machine has the full priviledges of that "user".


"Victor" <victord@paid.com> writes:

> If I have apache running, does that mean that after 24 hours, it will not be
> able to get files from /afs/cell/www/htdocs/blah.html?
> What about root's cron jobs? Will they also not be able to run?
> Is the only soultion getting binaries with support of afs?
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       Derek Atkins
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
       derek@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com