[OpenAFS] stopping AFS problem

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
16 Jan 2002 13:06:23 +0100

Haichuan Yang <haiyang@indiana.edu> said:
>I should add that this doesn't happen all the time. It only happens
>occasionally, say, when "/etc/rc.d/init.d/afs start" had problem and /afs
>wasn't mounted correctly. But afsd processes were started. Then you try to
>stop afs and the system hangs.
I have only seen this problem on Linux systems where I suspect that the build
environment didn't match the kernel environment 100% - it seems that libafs is
extremely sensitive to this. 

You may want to try to:
- rm -r /usr/src/linux*;
- untar a kernel source tarball;
- build a new kernel;
- install it, boot it;
- untar an OpenAFS source tarball;
- configure, build AFS ('make dest');
- rm /usr/vice/etc/modload/*;
- copy the newly-built libafs modules (in the dest directory under
  root.client) to /usr/vice/etc/modload.

Now you have 100% guaranteed matching modules, and only by religously
following this routine (or one variation: install the kernel rpm plus the
matching kernel source rpm, using the .config file that's usually installed in
/boot to reconfigure the kernel source tree - 'make oldconfig dep') have I
succeeded in *not* crashing machines with OpenAFS. 



Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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